On Tuesday I took over to Southampton With Love Betty products to be placed for sale in the new shop called Re:So. The Retail Solent Initiative is a shop dedicated to Southampton Solent students in creative fields who wish to sell/exhibit their products, art, music, photography and their creative talents to the public. I absolutely LOVE this idea, and being an ex-Solent fashion student I am fully behind this idea and couldn't wait to get involved when a ex-lecture asked if I would be interested in selling my products there.
As you can see from the images above the store oozes creative flair, the Visual Merchandising is contemporary with a industrial feel. The store is designed completely by the students themselves and also run by the students. The products are unique, exciting and reflect exactly what these creative courses are all about. It gives them a opportunity to sell or exhibit their works, gaining experience in the retail industry, with working alongside each other as well as working towards their own specific market.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk to a few of the students and you can see how excited they are to showcase their ideas to the public, with one student actually sat at a sewing machine in store, customising her clothing ready to put straight onto the rail. You can check out her blog here www.lemonade951.blogspot.com or find her on facebook Fb: /lemonade951. Another student was designing her own fashion magazine called "Peace & Love Magazine" check her out on Fb: /peacelovemagazine. Please have a look, Its so important to get behind students in creative industries as they rely upon the public.
And here are some images of With Love Betty's products.....
I'm so excited to be involved and cant wait to see how well and if the public like my vintage garments & boots.
You can find the Re:So store in the Marlands centre, in Southampton, on the high street up on the second floor. Please go check it out if your ever in Southampton and support the students. You can also follow their blog if your interested in finding out a bit more about the store at http://so-blog.tumblr.com/ here you can also find their post on With Love Betty.
Would you buy items handmade or customised by students? Do you wish your uni would do something like this for you too be able to sell your products? Let me know what you think by commenting below.
With Love.......